Песня `O that it were so` (1912), H.105 (Бридж)

Фрэнк Бридж (1879–1941)

Песня `O that it were so` (1912), H.105


Text: Walter Savage Landor (1775 - 1864)

It sometimes comes into my head
That we may dream, may dream when we are dead,
But I am far from sure we do.
O that it were so,
O that it were so,...Читать дальше
Text: Walter Savage Landor (1775 - 1864)

It sometimes comes into my head
That we may dream, may dream when we are dead,
But I am far from sure we do.
O that it were so,
O that it were so, then my rest
Would be, would be indeed among the blest,
I should for ever dream,
I should for ever dream of you.

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