The First Booke of Songs or Ayres (1597): № 8 `Burst forth, my tears`,  (Доуленд)

Джон Доуленд (1563–1626)

The First Booke of Songs or Ayres (1597): № 8 `Burst forth, my tears`

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Burst forth, my tears, assist my forward grief,
And show what pain imperious Love provokes.
Kind tender lambs, lament Love`s scant relief
And pine, since pensive Care my freedom yokes.
O pine...Читать дальше
Burst forth, my tears, assist my forward grief,
And show what pain imperious Love provokes.
Kind tender lambs, lament Love`s scant relief
And pine, since pensive Care my freedom yokes.
O pine to see me pine, my tender flocks.

Sad, sad pining Care, that never may have peace,
At Beauty`s gate in hope of pity knocks.
But Mercy sleeps while deep Disdain increase,
And Beauty Hope in her fair bosom locks.
O grieve to hear my grief, my tender flocks.

Like, like to the winds my sighs have winged been,
Yet are my sighs and suits repaid with mocks.
I plead, yet she repineth at my teen.
O ruthless rigour harder than the rocks,
That both the shepherd kills and his poor flocks.

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Запись - 6-8 апреля 2013 г., Саффолк.

записано в 1995г. в церкви св.Андрея, д.Тоддингтон, Бедфордшир, Англия


запись 1994г.