`At the Tomb of Charles Ives` for trombone, 2 psalteries, 2 dulcimers, 3 harps, tam-tam & strings (1963),  (Õàððèñîí)

Ëó Õàððèñîí (1917–2003)

`At the Tomb of Charles Ives` for trombone, 2 psalteries, 2 dulcimers, 3 harps, tam-tam & strings (1963)

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Chris Washburne, alto trombone; David Lynch and Rosemary Birardi, psalteries; Carole Weber, kanon; Henry Lowengard, hammered dulcimer; Mayumi Tsuda, harp; Mark Feldman, Gabriela Klassen and Annemarie Wiesner, violins; Martha Mooke, viola; Jodi Beder, cello; Skip La Plante, percussion; Johnny Reinhard, conductor. 1992 ã.

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