Пользователь: alexa_minsk

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Тема:Хоральная партита `O Gott, du frommer Gott` до минор
(22.02.2018 22:14)
очень красивая регистровка, очень удачная запись, всё слышно.

Тема:Прелюдия и фуга для органа ля минор
(22.02.2018 22:04)

Тема:Секвенция `Veni sancte spiritus` (Приди, Дух Святой)
(22.02.2018 17:31)

Тема:Вариации на тему Испанской фолии для гитары (1761)
(22.02.2018 12:39)
такое не может не нравиться...

Тема:Симфония для органа № 9 до минор «Готическая» (1895)
(22.02.2018 11:57)

Тема:12 монологов для органа
(22.02.2018 11:12)

Тема:Прелюдия и фуга для органа до минор
(21.02.2018 16:00)

Тема:Кончерто гроссо op.6 № 8 до минор
(18.02.2018 20:19)
`нестандартное` исполнение, мягкое, лирическое...

Тема:«Неделя маленького эльфа Оле-Лукойе», сюита для фортепиано в 4 руки по сказкам Х.К.Андерсена
(17.02.2018 11:48)
Сюита состоит из 7-ми пьес - 7-ми дней недели эльфа Оле-Лукойе,
рассказывающего свои истории маленькому мальчику Ялмару.

I. La noce des souris (The Marriage of the Mice).
In the moonlit chamber of Hialmar, who lies asleep in his bed, the
mice convene. In the ballet score this movement is labeled La Fete
nationale des souris, and instead of a wedding we have patriotic
tales. Awakened, Hialmar witnesses the entrance of Shut-Eye
accompanied by two obsequious gnomes. Shut-Eye carries two embossed
umbrellas; he introduces Hialmar to the King and Queen of the mice.
The mice make a carriage of his bed and are about to draw it off when
a huge stork alights in their midst and scatters the company.

II. La Cigogne lasse (The Tired Stork).
The stork, pursued by a turkey and two ducks, takes refuge with
Hialmar who drives away the tormentors. After being revived with water
from a large bowl, the stork dances for Hialmar and then flies away.

III. Le Cheval de Ferme-l`Oeil (The Horse of Ferme-l`oeil).
Hialmar jumps on his rocking horse to go after the stork but is
thrown off his horse by the Black Knight, who then takes his place.
The Black Knight examines his notebooks, sees that his lessons are
badly done, and threatens him with punishment. A one-legged lead
soldier steps forward to defend Hialmar but is quickly broken by the
Black Knight, who makes a triumphal tour of the room and exits.

IV. Le Mariage de poupee Berthe (The Wedding of the Doll Bertha).
The doll Punchinello consoles Hialmar by inviting him to his wedding
with Bertha. Bertha is brought in in a box out of which she steps
mechanically. The two gnomes, the friends of Shut-Eye, arrange a
backdrop on which are painted a church and a pastry shop. Punchinello
steals pastries from the shop window but, while all are enjoying
themselves, a policeman enters and they flee. The policeman ignores
the thief but pulls Hialmar by the ear to the blackboard where Hialmar
has clumsily drawn letters of the alphabet.

V. La ronde des lettres boiteuses (The Round of the Lame Letters).
The misshapen letters leave the blackboard and dance. The model
letter B performs for them, and then straightens the lame ones with a

VI. La promenade a travers le tableau (The promenade across the
Hialmar steps into a large romantic painting, takes a boat ride on a
shining river, finds an attractive house and enters. Inside he
discovers his old nanny, who rocks him and sings him a little song.
But he resists sleep and she gives him two large, embossed umbrellas,
the same two that Shut-Eye carried earlier. He opens one and finds a
princess locked in a tower. He frees her, accepts her thanks and opens
the second.

VII. Le parapluie chinois (The Chinese Umbrella).
The embossing on the second umbrella reveals the Emperor of China,
his daughter and his court. The daughter is charming and Hialmar
approaches her admiringly. The Emperor orders him bound and chained,
but the princess begs for his life and, securing that, then demands
that the Emperor marry them. Lifting the veil that half hides her
face, Hialmar discovers, of course, the little elf Shut-Eye. The
Emperor and his executioner are none other than the two gnomes.
Shut-Eye throws sand in Hialmar`s face, inducing sleep, and they carry
him back to his bed and depart. A moment later dawn breaks, and
Hialmar awakens to rub his eyes and stare with astonishment around his

(Charles Burr)

Тема:«Introït, récit et congé», концерт для виолончели с оркестром (1952)
(15.02.2018 23:08)
Какая мощь!!! Один из самых поздних шедевров Шмитта, написанный им в
82-летнем возрасте.

Первая запись в Архиве.

Тема:Мимодрама «Трагедия Саломеи» (La tragedie de Salome) в 7-ми сценах (1907)
(14.02.2018 14:50)

Тема:«Ярмарочная музыка» (Musiques foraines), цикл пьес для для фортепиано в 4 руки (1895-1902)
(13.02.2018 20:12)

Тема:Анданте (Тема с вариациями) для органа ре мажор (1844)
(13.02.2018 09:49)

Тема:`Сарказмы`, 5 пьес для фортепиано (1912-14)
(11.02.2018 09:11)
записано здесь:

Тема:Соната для органа №1 фа минор (1844-45)
(09.02.2018 22:46)
Наши контакты