12 монологов для органа, op. 63 (Регер)

Макс Регер (1873–1916)

12 монологов для органа, op. 63

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1. Prelude in c-moll (Allegro con moto)
2. Fugue in C-dur (Con moto)
3. Canzona in g-moll (Andante con moto)
4. Capriccio in a-moll (Allegro vivace assai)
5. Introduction in f-moll
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1. Prelude in c-moll (Allegro con moto)
2. Fugue in C-dur (Con moto)
3. Canzona in g-moll (Andante con moto)
4. Capriccio in a-moll (Allegro vivace assai)
5. Introduction in f-moll
6. Passacaglia in f-moll
7. Andante sostenuto in A-dur
8. Fantasia in C-dur (Vivace)
9. Toccata in e-moll (Vivace assai)
10. Fugue in e-moll (Allegro con moto)
11. Canon in D-dur (Andante con moto)
12. Scherzo in d-moll (Vivace)

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1-2. Prelude c-moll & Fugue C-dur // rec. in 1992, organ of the Great Church, Dordrecht, Netherlands

3. Canzona g-moll // rec. in 1992, organ of the Great Church, Dordrecht, Netherlands

4. Capriccio a-moll // rec. in 1992, organ of the Great Church, Dordrecht, Netherlands

5-6. Introduction & Passacaglia f-moll // rec. in 1992, organ of the Great Church, Dordrecht, Netherlands

7. Andante sostenuto in A-dur // rec. in 1992, organ of the Great Church, Dordrecht, Netherlands

8. Fantasia C-dur // rec. in 1992, organ of the Great Church, Dordrecht, Netherlands

9-10. Toccata & Fugue e-moll // rec. in 1992, organ of the Great Church, Dordrecht, Netherlands

11. Canon D-dur // rec. in 1992, organ of the Great Church, Dordrecht, Netherlands

12. Scherzo d-moll // rec. in 1992, organ of the Great Church, Dordrecht, Netherlands

5-6. Introduction & Passacaglia f-moll. Orgelkonzert in St. Marien, Fröndenberg. Spätromantische Orgel von 1898 20.03.2022

Записи 1987-91 гг.

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