Роджер Вудворд

Роджер Вудворд (фортепиано)
Две поэмы (1912):

2 poems, Op. 63 (Scriabin)
Deux poemes (1913)

2 poems, Op. 69 (Scriabin)
1)Fantastique, 2)En rêvant, avec une grande douceur

2 poems, Op. 71 (Scriabin)

2 Preludes, Op. 67 (Scriabin)
Два танца (1914):
Темное пламя

2 Dances, Op. 73 (Scriabin)

3 Etudes, Op. 65 (Scriabin)
I. Douloureux déchirant
II. Très lent, contemplatif
III. Allegro drammatico
IV. Lent, vague, indécis
V. Fier, belliqueux

5 Preludes, Op. 74 (Scriabin)

Prometheus (Poem of Fire), Op. 60 (Scriabin)
Live recording in Australia, 1997.
1. Allegro
2. Andante
3. Allegro moderato

Concerto for Piano and Orchestra, Op. 20 (Scriabin)
Live recording in Australia, 1997.

`Feuille d`album`, Op. 58 (Scriabin)
Recorded in January 2009

Poem `To the Flame` for piano (1914), Op. 72 (Scriabin)

Poem-Nocturne for piano (1911), Op. 61 (Scriabin)
Одночастная соната
1. Modéré: mysterieux, concentré

Piano Sonata № 6 (1911-1912), Op. 62 (Scriabin)

Piano Sonata №10 (1913), Op. 70 (Scriabin)
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