Йозеф Хала

Йозеф Хала (фортепиано)
1.My Song of Love Rings Through the Dusk / Má píseň zas mi láskou zní / Mein Lied ertönt, ein Liebespsalm
2.Hey, Ring Out, My Triangle / Aj! Kterak trojhranec... Читать дальше
1.My Song of Love Rings Through the Dusk / Má píseň zas mi láskou zní / Mein Lied ertönt, ein Liebespsalm
2.Hey, Ring Out, My Triangle / Aj! Kterak trojhranec můj přerozkošně zvoní / Ei, wie mein Triangel wunderherrlich läutet
3.All Round About the Woods are Still / A les je tichý kolem kol / Rings ist der Wald so stumm und still
4.Songs My Mother Taught Me / Když mne stará matka zpívat, zpívat učívala / Als die alte Mutter
5.Come and Join the Danci / Struna naladěna, hochu, toč se v kole / Reingestimmt die Saiten
6.The Gypsy Songman / Široké rukávy a široké gatě / In dem weiten, breiten, luft’gen Leinenkleide
7.Give a Hawk a Fine Cage / Dejte klec jestřábu ze zlata ryzého / Horstet hoch der Habicht auf den Felsenhöhen

Х Свернуть

`Gypsy Songs`, 7 songs on the words A.Geyduk for voice and piano (1880), op. 55 (Dvorak)
№4 ``Помню`` (переложение для скрипки и ф-но Ф.Крейслера). Recorded at the Bohuslav Martinu Hall, Prague, on 22 and 23 January, 1994.

`Gypsy Songs`, 7 songs on the words A.Geyduk for voice and piano (1880), op. 55 (Dvorak)
`Songs my Mother Taught Me` from ``Gypsy Tunes, Op. 55``. Recorded at the Bohuslav Martinu Hall, Prague, January 22-23, 1994.
1. Allegro moderato
2. Andantino, con variazioni
3. Finale. Allegretto scherzando

Piano Quartet No.1 in D-dur (1875), op. 23 (Dvorak)
SUK TRIO (Suk - Hala - Chuchro) & Josef Kodousek (viola). 1982, Prague, Dvorak Hall
1. Allegro con fuoco
2. Lento
3. Allegro moderato, grazioso
4. Allegro, ma non troppo

Piano Quartet No. 2 in Es-dur (1889), op. 87 (Dvorak)
SUK TRIO (Suk - Hala - Chuchro) & Josef Kodousek (viola). 1982, Prague, Dvorak Hall
1. Allegro moderato (си-бемоль мажор)
2. Allegro maestoso (ре минор)
3. Allegro appassionato (си-бемоль мажор)
4. Larghetto (соль минор)

Romantic Pieces for Violin and Piano (1887), op. 75 (Dvorak)

Romantic Pieces for Violin and Piano (1887), op. 75 (Dvorak)
1. В прядильной
2. На Черном озере
3. Шабаш ведьм
4. На страже
5. Лесная тишь
6. В бурю

`From the Bohemian Forest`, op. 68 (Dvorak)
№5 `Лесная тишь`. Переложение для скрипки и ф-но. Recorded at the Bohuslav Martinu Hall, Prague, on 22 and 23 January, 1994.

Slavonic Dances - Part II (1886), op. 72 (Dvorak)
`Slavonic Dance, Op. 72, No. 2`. Recorded at the Bohuslav Martinu Hall, Prague, January 22-23, 1994.
B 47 * 1882-83

Nocturne B-dur for string or piano (1875, rev.1882–83), op. 40 (Dvorak)
Recorded at the Bohuslav Martinu Hall, Prague, January 22-23, 1994.

Parts of the compositions,  (Dvorak)
`Larghetto` from ``Sonatina, Op. 100``. Recorded at the Bohuslav Martinu Hall, Prague, January 22-23, 1994.

Parts of the compositions,  (Dvorak)
`Humoresque Op. 101, No. 7`. Recorded at the Bohuslav Martinu Hall, Prague, January 22-23, 1994.

Parts of the compositions,  (Dvorak)
`Cavatina, Op. 75, No. 1` from ``Romantic Pieces, Op. 75``. Recorded at the Bohuslav Martinu Hall, Prague, January 22-23, 1994.

Parts of the compositions,  (Dvorak)
`Elegia, Op. 75, No. 4` from ``Romantic Pieces, Op. 75``. Recorded at the Bohuslav Martinu Hall, Prague, January 22-23, 1994.

Parts of the compositions,  (Dvorak)
`Romanza, Op. 75, No. 3` from ``Romantic Pieces, Op. 75``. Recorded at the Bohuslav Martinu Hall, Prague, January 22-23, 1994.
1. Allegro ma non tanto
2. Dumka. Andante con moto - Vivace
3. Scherzo (Furiant). Molto vivace - Trio. Poco tranquillo
4. Finale. Allegro

Piano Quintet No. 2 in A-dur (1887), op. 81 (Dvorak)
Milan Škampa - viola. Live recording, Tokyo, 18.XI.1978.

Piano Quintet No. 2 in A-dur (1887), op. 81 (Dvorak)
Jan Pěruška - viola, Jiří Bárta - cello. Recorded in Prague, 1997.
1. Dumka 1 - Lento maestoso
2. Dumka 2 - Poco adagio
3. Dumka 3 - Andante
4. Dumka 4 - Andante moderato
5. Dumka 5 - Allegro
6. Dumka 6 - Lento maestoso

Piano Trio No.4 `Dumky` (1875), op. 90 (Dvorak)