Опера `Генрих VIII` (1881-82), R.291 (Сен-Санс)

Камиль Сен-Санс (1835–1921)

Опера `Генрих VIII` (1881-82), R.291

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Ballet Music. / Rasumovsky Sinfonia

Gerard Serkoyan (Bass), Michèle Command (Soprano), Lucile Vignon (Mezzo Soprano),
Philippe Rouillon (Bass), Alain Gabriel (Tenor), Philippe Bohee (Voice),
Jean-Marc Loisel (Bass).Choirs of the Thйвtre des Arts de Rouen
Fanfare de Villers-Cotterкts
Orchestre Lyrique Franзais
Direction: Alain Guingal

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