Симфония №12: I. The Dead of the Square (1974),  (Петтерссон)

Аллан Петтерссон (1911–1980)

Симфония №12: I. The Dead of the Square (1974)


Symphony No. 12 `De döda pе torget` (Los muertos de la plaza / The Dead of the Square)
on poems from the `Canto General - V. La arena traicionada` by Pablo Neruda (1974)
(Swedish...Читать дальше
Symphony No. 12 `De döda pе torget` (Los muertos de la plaza / The Dead of the Square)
on poems from the `Canto General - V. La arena traicionada` by Pablo Neruda (1974)
(Swedish translation by Artur Lundkvist & Francisco J. Uriz)
I. De döda pе torget (Los muertos de la plaza / The Dead of the Square) - January 28, 1946, Santiago de Chile
II. Massakern (Las masacres / The Massacres)
III. Nitratets mдn (Los hombres del nitrato / The Saltpetre Men)
IV. Döden (La muerte / The Death)
V. Hur fanorna fцddes (Cуmo nacen las banderas / How the Flags are born)
VI. Jag kallar pе dem (Los llamo / I call them up)
VII. Fienderna (Los enemigos / The Enemies)
VIII. Hдr дr de (Estбn aquн / Here they are)
IX. Alltid (Siempre / Allways)

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Swedish Radio Choir
Eric Ericson Chamber Choir
Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra
Manfred Honeck - conductor
