The First Booke of Songs or Ayres (1597): № 6 `Now, o now, i needs must part` (= The Frog Galliard),  (Доуленд)

Now, o, now, I needs must part,
parting though I absent mourn.
Absence can no joy impart,
joy, once fled, cannot return.
While I live I needs must love,
Love lives not when hope is gone:
Now,...Читать дальше
Now, o, now, I needs must part,
parting though I absent mourn.
Absence can no joy impart,
joy, once fled, cannot return.
While I live I needs must love,
Love lives not when hope is gone:
Now, at last, despair doth prove,
Love divided loveth none.
Sad despair doth drive me hence,
this despair unkindness sends.
If that parting be offence,
it is she which then offends!

Dear, when from thee I am gone,
Gone are all my joys at once.
I loved thee and thee alone,
in whose love I joyed once.
And, although your sight I leave,
sight wherein my joys do lie,
`Till that Death do sense bereave,
never shall affection die.
Sad despair…

Dear, if I do not return,
Love and I shall die together.
For my absence never mourn,
whom you might have joined ever.
Part we must, though now I die,
Die I do to part with you;
Him despair doth cause to lie,
who both loved and dieth true.
Sad despair…

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Запись - сентябрь 1987 г., Лондон.


With `The Frog Galliard`. Запись - 6-8 апреля 2013 г., Саффолк.

запись 2002г.

Запись - 28 июня - 1 июля 2007 г., Ньюмаркет, Канада.

Soprano Saxophone, bass clarinet – John Surman, violin – Maya Homburger, double bass – Barry Guy. Recorded: January 1999, Forde Abbey, Dorset.

LA NEF: Sylvain Bergeron (lute, baroque guitar); Sean Dagher (cittern); Patrick Graham (percussion); Andrew Horton (double bass); Grégoire Jeay (flutes); Alex Kehler (violin); Amanda Keesmaat (baroque cello); Betsy MacMillan (viola da gamba). Recorded in September 2010 at Saint-Augustin Church, Saint-Augustin-de-Mirabel, Québec, Canada.

CD 1992

записано в 2015г. в Доме культуры Гренобля (Maison de la culture de Grenoble)

запись 1994г.