Гимн `Now that the Sun hath veil`d his Light` (An Evening Hymn) (1688), Z 193 (Пёрселл)

Генри Пёрселл (1659–1695)

Гимн `Now that the Sun hath veil`d his Light` (An Evening Hymn) (1688), Z 193

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`Evening Hymn on a Ground`

Now, now that the sun hath veil’d his light
And bid the world goodnight;
To the soft bed my body I dispose,
But where shall my soul repose?
Dear, dear God, even in...Читать дальше
`Evening Hymn on a Ground`

Now, now that the sun hath veil’d his light
And bid the world goodnight;
To the soft bed my body I dispose,
But where shall my soul repose?
Dear, dear God, even in Thy arms,
And can there be any so sweet security!
Then to thy rest, O my soul!
And singing, praise the mercy
That prolongs thy days.

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Myron Lutzke, cello; Arthur Haas, harpsichord, organ. 2000, New York City.

Запись 2013 года. Nicolas Achten · Justin Glaie · Simon Linné · Solmund Nystabakk · Lambert Colson

Francoise Johannel - harp, Susie Napper - viola da gamba. Olivier Fortin - organ. 2003 г.

2010 год.

Christopher Hogwood - орган.

Eamonn O`Dwyer (treble) / The King`s Consort / Robert King (conductor).

Harry van der Kamp, bass; Gustav Leonhardt, organ

Leonhardt Consort. The Choir of King`s College, Cambridge, sir David Willcocks.

Э. Кенни - теорба. Recorded in January 2006 at St Paul’s Church, New Southgate, London, England.

DA SONAR: Chantal RÉMILLARD (violin); Christine MORAN (violin); Margaret LITTLE (viola); Susie NAPPER (bass viol and cello); Sylvain BERGERON (lute and theorbo); Réjean POIRIER (harpsichord and organ). Recorded at Saint-Augustin Church, Saint-Augustin-de-Mirabel, Québec (Canada), 1997.

1988, Базель, Швейцария.

