,  (Талми)
Эрелла Талми (флейта)

Yoav Talmi (piano). Recorded at the studio of the Rubin Music Academy, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2004.
``Scherzo`` (from `Grande sonate concertante in A minor, Op. 85`). YOAV TALMI (piano). Recorded at the Jerusalem Music Centre, 1988.
``Ponar`` / ``Under the Starry Sky`` / ``Our Town is Burning``, arranged by Y. Talmi in 1995. Edmond Stein (violin), Dorothy Zeavin (viola), Marcia Zeavin-Bookstein (cello). Recorded 2001, LaJolla, California (USA).
`Finale in E major` (From ``Violin Concerto in E minor``). With Irit RUB-LEVI (piano). Recorded at the Recording Studio of the Rubin Music Academy, Tel Aviv University, Israel, 2002.
``Youth Song`` / ``My Sweetheart`` / ``On the Bank of Lake Kineret``, arranged by Y. Talmi (piano). Recorded in LaJolla, California (USA), 2001.
With Irit RUB-LEVI (piano). Recorded at the Recording Studio of the Rubin Music Academy, Tel Aviv University, Israel, 2002.