Иван Рабалья
2013, Preludio Srl (Amadeus)
2018 Universal Music Italia Srl (Decca)
2018 Universal Music Italia Srl
2012 Preludio Srl (under license of Amadeus)
2011, Concerto Musicmedia
2012 Preludio Srl (under license of Amadeus)
2012 Preludio Srl (under license of Amadeus)
2012 Preludio Srl (under license of Amadeus)
2017 Universal Music Italia Srl
2013 Rai, A Fluid and Swallowing Soul: No. 1 - 8:38, No. 2 - 9:06
2013 Preludio Srl (under license of Amadeus) under license to Pirames International Srl
2012 Preludio Srl (under license of Amadeus)
2011, Concerto Musicmedia