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May 1958

May 1958

May 1958

May 1958

May 1958

Live - 21 February 1976 - Wiener Staatsoper - Nicolai Ghiaurov (Boris), Vladimir Atlantov (Gregory), Kolos Kovats (Pimen), Brigitte Fassbaender (Marina), Waldemar Kmentt (Shuisky), Oskar Czerwenka (Varlaam), Horst Nitsche (Missail), Heinz Zednik (Fool) - Vienna State Opera Chorus - Please note poor sound and editing.

Live - 28 November 1957

1971 - with Camerata Singers

7 May 1962 - Assistant conductors: Maurice Perez and Seiji Ozawa

July 1957; July, August 1965 - No`s: 1-7, 10-12, 15, 17-21

24-26 May 1991

13/14 February 2002

13/14 February 2002

24-26 May 1991

December 1995


1/7 April 1970

April 1989


4/7 November 1991

Live - 7 October 1999

2001 - Plus original fourth movement as an extra.

1957 - Arranged by Fritz Reiner

May 1976 - New York

May 1976 - New York

May 1976 - New York - Dance Of The Seven Veils From `Salome`, Op. 54

December 1955 - Suite arranged by Antal Dorati - as the Minneapolis SO

15-17 February 1990 - Stuttgart

Live - 4 February 2011

Live - 27 September/17 October 1959 - Stockholm - In Swedish - Extended excerpts - Birgit Nilsson (Marschallin), Kersten Meyer (Octavian), Eva Prytz (Sophie), Arne Tyren (Ochs), Uno Stjernqvist (Tenor), Sven-Erik Vikstrom (Valzacchi), Ingeborg Kyellgren (Marianne), Barbro Ericson (Annina), Erik Sundquist (Faninal), Bo Lundborg (Notar), Conny Soderstrom (Faninal`s Haus Hofmeister) - Royal Swedish Opera Chorus

Live - 3 January 1952 - Act 3 - Royal Opera House Covent Garden, London - Sylvia Fisher (Marschallin), Constance Shacklock (Octavian), Ruth Guldbaek (Sophie), Howell Glynne (Ochs), Parry Jones (Valzacchi), Bo Lundborg (Notar), Jean Watson (Annina), Ronald Lewis (Faninal) - Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden

1976 - Helga Dernesch (Marschallin), Anne Howells (Octavian), Teresa Cahill (Sophie), Michael Langdon (Ochs), Derek Blackwell (Tenor), Claire Livingstone (Annina), Gordon Sandison (Faninal)

1965 - Extended excerpts - Regine Crespin (Marschallin), Elisabeth Soderstrom (Octavian), Hilde Guden (Sophie), Heinz Holecek (Faninal)

1955 - Various excerpts - Leonie Rysanek (Marschallin), Gustav Neidlinger (Ochs), Elisabeth Grummer (Octavian), Erika Koth (Sophie), Sieglinde Wagner (Annina), Josef Traxel (Tenor)

Live (Broadcast) - 1944 - Maria Reining (Daphne), Karl Friedrich (Apollo), Anton Dermota (Leukippos), Melanie Frutschnigg (Gaea), Herbert Alsen (Peneios), Georg Monthy, Richard Sallaba, Hans Schweiger, Hermann Baier (Shepherds), Emmy Loose, Maria Schober (Maids) - Vienna State Opera Chorus

Live - 20 February 1961 - Deutsche Oper am Rhein, Dusseldorf - Ingrid Bjoner (Daphne), Josef Traxel (Apollo), Kurt Wehofsthitz (Leukippos), Henny Ekstrom (Gaea), Dezso Ernster (Peneios), Hugh Beresford, Hans Rietjens, Camillo Meghar, Lajos Kendy (Shepherds), Ingrid Paller, Elisabeth Schwarzenberg (Maids) - Deutsche Oper am Rhein Chorus

Live (Broadcast) - 10 December 1952 - Sung in Italian - Boris Christoff (Boris), Mirto Picchi (Gregory/Dimitri), Giuseppe Modesti (Pimen), Dmitri Lopatto (Varlaam), Mario Carlin (Missail), Fernanda Cadoni (Feodor), Amalia Pini (Nurse/Hostess), Rina Corsi (Marina), Angelo Mercuriali (Shuisky) - Coro di Roma della RAI

Live - 3 August 1969 - Teatro Colon, Buenos Aires - Sandor Konya (Hoffmann), Gabriel Bacquier (Coppelius/Dapertutto/Miracle/Lindorf), Mady Mesple (Olympia), Radmila Bakocevic (Giulietta), Heather Harper (Antonia), Noemi Souza (Nicklaus), Nino Falzetti (Frantz/Andres/Cochenille/Pitichinacchio) - Chorus of Teatro Colon

Live - 11 October 1977 - Vienna State Opera - In house - Ursula Schroder-Feinen (Elektra), Christa Ludwig (Klytamnestra), Gwyneth Jones (Chrysothemis), Theo Adam (Orest), Heinz Beirer (Aegisth)

Live - 1970 - Hamburg - Gladys Kuchta (Elektra), Irene Dalis (Klytamnestra), Hildegard Hillebrecht (Chrysothemis), Theo Adam (Orest), Helmut Melchert (Aegisth)

Live - 24 July 1958 - Teatro Colon, Buenos Aires - Jean Madeira (Carmen), Pier Miranda Ferraro (Jose), Cesy Broggini (Micaela), Giuseppe Taddei (Escamillo) - Chorus of Teatro Colon - Please note final bars of Act 3 are missing.

Live - 17 June 1971 - Stuttgart - Ingrid Steger (Elektra), Enriqueta Tarres (Chrysothemis), Martha Modl (Klytamnestra), William Wildermann (Orest), Wolfgang Windgassen (Aegisth)

Live - 17 July 1977 - Bavarian State Opera, Munich - Ursula Shroder-Feinen (Elektra), Astrid Varnay (Klytamnestra), Leonie Rysanek (Chrysothemis), Theo Adam (Orest), Hans Hopf (Aegisth)

Live - 7 September 1974 - Hamburg - Ursula Schroder-Feinen (Elektra), Leonie Rysanek (Chrysothemis), Astrid Varnay (Klytamnestra), Harald Stamm (Orest), Richard Cassilly (Aegisth)

Live - 18 August 1963 - Usher Hall, Edinburgh - Nicolai Gedda (Faust), George London (Mephistopheles), Josephine Veasey (Marguerite), Robert Savoie (Brander) - The Boys of St. Mary`s Catholic Cathedral, Edinburgh - Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden - Please note: Poor sound and the inclusion of the UK national anthem prior to the performance.

Live - 25 February 1965 - Teatro dell`Opera di Roma - Inge Borkh (Elektra), Martha Modl (Klytemnestra), Siv Ericsdotter (Chrysothemis), Randolph Symonette (Orest), Mirto Picchi (Aegisth) - Please note `Recognition Scene` is missing.

April 1987 - Orpheus in the Underworld - Extended excerpts - Sung in English - English National Opera - Stuart Kale (Orpheus), Lilian Watson (Eurydice), Richard Angas (Jupiter), Bonaventura Bottone (Mercury), Sally Burgess (Public Opinion), Emile Belcourt (Pluto), Ethna Robinson (Cupid), Fiona Kimm (Diana), Kathryn Pope (Venus), Edward Byles (John Styx) - Chorus of English National Opera

Live - 26 December 1964 - Teatro San Carlo di Napoli - Sung in Italian - Ruggero Bondino (Faust), Ettore Bastianini (Mephistophles), Giulietta Simionato (Marguerite), Plinio Clabassi (Brander/Voice from Above) - Coro di Teatro San Carlo

Live - 1 November 1959 - Stockholm - Sung in Swedish - Hjordis Schymberg (Manon), Jussi Bjorling (Des Grieux), Hugo Hasslo (Lescaut), Arne Tyren (Ravoire), Lars Billengren (Edmondo) - Chorus of Royal Swedish Opera

Live - 6 October 1964 - Teatro Colon, Buenos Aires - Fritz Uhl (Lohengrin), Victoria de los Angeles (Elsa), Carlos Alexander (Telramund), Christa Ludwig (Ortrud), Franz Crass (Heinrich), Gian-Pietro Mastromei (Herrufer) - Chorus of Teatro Colon

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