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1979 - Vinyl transfer


1979 - Vinyl transfer


Концерт 11.02.1977г.

6 December 1941 - as Robin Hood Dell Orchestra of Philadelphia


Live - 12 December 1998



1965 - Eric Shilling (Narrator)

1959 - Ralph Richardson (Narrator)

1967 - Ludmila Maksavova and Yuri Myshkin (Speakers), Taimuraz Mironov (Boy Soprano) - Moscow School Boys` Chorus - Moscow Radio Symphony Chorus

June 1962

1970 - Excerpt: Death of Didon - Janet Baker (Didon), Bernadette Greevy (Anna), Gwynne Howell (Narbal), Keith Erwin (Iopas) - Ambrosian Singers

Live - 5 July 1972 - Romeo et Juliet excerpts

1953 - Romeo et Juliet excerpts: Various

Live - 10 November 1951 - Excerpt: Queen Mab Scherzo

1954 - Vinyl transfer - Excerpt: No.1 `Zaide `Bolero``

1954 - Vinyl transfer - Excerpt: No.4 `Le jeune patre Breton`

1954 - Vinyl transfer

1960 - Excerpt: Various - Vinyl transfer

18 August 1983 - Excerpt: Hungarian March

April 1959 - Excerpt: Hungarian March

Live - 2 September 1945 - Excerpt: Hungarian March

Live - 21 March 1943 - Excerpts: Hungarian March, Dance of the Sylphs and Minuet of the Willow-the-Wisps

14 March 1963 - Excerpts: Hungarian March, Dance of the Sylphs and Minuet of the Willow-the-Wisps

Carl Taschke violin


Live - 22 March 1967

1966 - Vinyl transfer - Suite - with Sacred Heart Boys` Choir of Roslindane Massachusetts

Live - 7 December 1950 - Excerpt: Lemminkainen`s Return

Live - 27 August 1944 - Excerpt: Swan of Tuonela


24 May 1976

7/8 May 1973

June 1995

August 1995

June 1985

1996 - with Jubilate Choir

2 September 1983 - Mari-Anne Haggander (Maiden), Erlund Hagegard (Lover), Jorma Hynninen (Bailiff), Tone Kruse (Chatelaine) - Gothenburg Concert Hall Choir

May 1975

8/12 January 1996 - Complete work

1936 - Excerpt: `The Maiden with Roses`

September 1974

Live - 7 June 2002

18 September/9 October 2005

Live - 7 December 1940

23/24 January 1966

27/29 September 1998 - Mario Malagnini (Ruy Blas), Dimitra Theodossiou (Donna Maria de Neubourg), Alberto Gazale (Don Sallustio de Bazan), Sylvia Marini (Casilda), Stefano Consolini (Don Pedro de Guevarra), Roberto Nencini (Don Fernando de Cordova), Gabriele Monici (Don Guritano), Elena Marinangeli (Donna Giovanna), Alfio Rosati (Don Manuel Arias), Giovanni Brecciaroli (Un Usciere) - Lirico Marchigiano `Vincenzo Bellini` Chorus

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