Пользователь: Avia

Информация о пользователе Avia (не в сети)
Live - 29 September 1967 - Teatro Colon, Buenos Aires - Birgit Nilsson (Brunnhilde), David Ward (Wotan), Richard Martell (Siegmund), Gwyneth Jones (Sieglinde), Michael Langdon (Hunding), Grace Hoffman (Fricka)

1963 - Regina Resnik (Carmen), Mario del Monaco (Jose), Joan Sutherland (Micaela), Tom Krause (Escamillo), Georgette Spanellys (Frasquitta), Yvonne Minton (Mercedes) - Geneva Grand Theatre Chorus

Live (In house) - 9 December 1972 - Deutsche Oper Berlin - Ursula Schroeder-Feinen (Elektra), Astrid Varnay (Klytamnestra), Caterina Ligendza (Chrysothemis), Jose van Dam (Orest), Helge Brilioth (Aegisth) - Chorus and Orchestra Deutsche Oper Berlin - Lorin Maazel - Please note: Poor quality with sound drop outs

Live (In house) - 6 May 1971 - Teatro San Carlo di Napoli - Elena Souliotis (Manon), Placido Domingo (Des Grieux), Mario d`Anna (Lescaut), Sergio Pezzetti (Ravoire), Ermanno Lorenzi (Edmondo), Dalle Molle (Un musico), Vittorio Pandano (Lampionaio), Mario Silvestri (Sergeant), Giovanni Amodeo (Commendantore), Franco Ricciardi (Maestro di danza), Nicola Troisi (L`ost) - Chorus of the San Carlo Opera

Apr 1949 - Radio Broadcast - Bernd Aldenhoff (Parsifal), Martha Modl (Kundry), Josef Greindl (Gurnemanz), Heinrich Nillius (Amfortas), Robert Blasius (Klingsor), Helmut Fehn (Titurel) - WDR Koln Chorus

Live - 21 September 1953 - Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London - Radio broadcast - Lisa della Casa (Arabella), Elfride Trotschel (Zdenka), Hermann Uhde (Mandryka), Kathe Nentwig (Fiakermili), Max Proebstl (Waldner), Ira Malaniuk (Adelaide), Lorenz Fehenberger (Matteo), Franz Klarwein (Elemer), Carl Hoppe (Dominik), Albrecht Peter (Lamoral), Ruth Michaelis (Fortune Teller) - Chorus and Orchestra of the Royal Opera House - Rudolf Kempe

18-23 December 1997

1954 - Overture

7 October 1928 - Overture

26 March 1957

1965 - Susanin`s Area `They guess the truth`

March 1957

November 1960 - Excerpts: Fete Polonaise and Danse Slav

1981 - Peter Cropper, Ronald Birks (Violins), Roger Bigley (Viola)

1981. Ronald Birks (Violins), Roger Bigley (Viola)


Viola Tunnard - piano


26 March 1957

Live - 7 March 1993 - Beethovenhalle, Bonn, Germany

Live - 26 January 1995 - City Halls, Glasgow

5/6 April 1995

5/6 April 1995

September 1962

Live - 8 August 1969 - Royal Albert Hall, London

Live - 27 November 1957

September 1962

Live - 2 May 1956 - Free Trade Hall, Manchester - Premiere

Live - 2 August 1958 - Music Shed Tanglewood

Live - 11 August 1967 - Royal Albert Hall London


Live - 23 August 1959 - Usher Hall, Edinburgh


23 September/4 December 2005

1990 - The Joyful Company of Singers

2005 - with The Joyful Company of Singers


1990 - with London Philharmonic Choir

Live - 6 March 1971 - London Coliseum - In English - Alberto Remedios (Siegfried), Rita Hunter (Brunnhilde), Clifford Grant (Hagen), Norman Bailey (Gunther), Derek Hammond-Stroud (Alberich), Catherine Wilson (Gutrune), Katherine Pring (Waltraute), Barbara Walker (Woglinde), Anne Evans (Wellgunde), Georgetta Psaros (Flosshilde), Gillian Knight (1st Norn), Anne Collins (2nd Norn), Janice Chapman (3rd Norn) - English National Opera Chorus

Live - 3 March 1973 - London Coliseum - In English - Alberto Remedios (Siegfried), Gregory Dempsey (Mime), Don Garrard (Wanderer), Rita Hunter (Brunnhilde), Derek Hammond-Stroud (Alberich), Clifford Grant (Fafner), Anne Collins (Erda), Valerie Masterson (Woodbird) - Apart from one brief interruption in Act 1 Prelude the sound is excellent throughout

April 1959

March 1962

April 1959

March 1957 - Suite

March 1962 - Miroirs excerpt No.4 Alborada del Gracioso

March 1958

March 1961

29-31 March/16-22 October 1989 - with Dagmar Peckova (Mezzo) - Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra and Choir - Bratislava Childrens` Choir - Youth Echo Choir - Slovak Opera Chorus - Slovak Folk Ensemble Chorus - Lucnica Chorus - Bratislava City Choir

Live - 14 February 1970 - London Coliseum - In English - Radio broadcast with variable sound - Alberto Remedios (Siegmund), Ava June (Sieglinde), Clifford Grant (Hunding), Rita Hunter (Brunnhilde), Norman Bailey (Wotan), Ann Howard (Fricka), Margaret Curphey (Gerhilde), Donna Faye Carr (Ortlinde), Patricia Purcell (Waltraute), Katherine Pring (Schwertleite), Janice Chapman (Helmwige), Ann Robson (Sigrune), Anna Cooper (Grimgerde), Gillian Knight (Rossweise) - As Sadler`s Wells Opera

Live - 15 November 1975 - London Coliseum - In English - Lorna Haywood (Emilia Marty), Kenneth Woollam (Albert Gregor), Tom Swift (Vitek), Hannah Francis (Kristina), Eric Shilling (Dr Kolenaty), Raimund Herincx (Prus), Sheila Rex (Charwoman), Patrick Wheatley (Stage hand), Ramon Remedios (Janek), Edward Byles (Sendorf), Iris Saunders (Chamber maid) - English National Opera Chorus - Please note there is tape hiss on this recording.

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