Пользователь: moon_river

Информация о пользователе moon_river (не в сети)
Choristers of St Paul`s Cathedral. 1995 г.

Choristers of St Paul`s Cathedral. 1995 г.

Choristers of St Paul`s Cathedral. 1995 г.

Choristers of St Paul`s Cathedral. 1995 г.

Choristers of St Paul`s Cathedral. 1995 г.

Choristers of St Paul`s Cathedral. 1995 г.

Choristers of St Paul`s Cathedral. 1995 г.

Choristers of St Paul`s Cathedral. 1995 г.

Choristers of St Paul`s Cathedral. 1995 г.

Geoffrey Shaw - baritone. Choristers of St Paul`s Cathedral. 1995 г.

Choristers of St Paul`s Cathedral. 1995 г.

Christopher Keyte - baritone. Choristers of St Paul`s Cathedral. 1995 г.

Susan Longfield - soprano. Choristers of St Paul`s Cathedral. 1995 г.

Baccholian Singers of London. 1977 г.

Baccholian Singers of London. 1977 г.

Bach Choir. Сhorus master - Douglas Janes. 1986 г.

The Pilgrim - John Noble, John Bunyan - Raimund Herincx, Evangelist - John Carol Case. Four Neighbours: Pliable - Wynford Evans, Obstinate - Christopher Keyte, Mistrust - Geoffrey Shaw, Timorous - Bernard Dickerson. London Philharmonic Choir. Сhorus master - John Alldis. 1971 г.

Menno Van Delft - harpsichord / Peter Prommel / Rene Oussoren - percussion / Marieke Schneemann - flute : Netherlands Wind Ensemble members

Ensemble Unicorn: Hermann Oswald (tenor), Joel Frederiksen (bass), Agnes Boll (soprano), Reinhild Waldek (harp), Jane Achtman (fiddle), Thomas Wimmer (fiddle, lute), Guillermo Perez (organetto), Wolfgang Reithofer (percussion), Michael Posch (recorder, timpani & dir.) / Wiener Hofburgkapelle, Austria, 2004

Parliament Chamber of Udine Castle, Italy, 1990

Parliament Chamber of Udine Castle, Italy, 1990

Исполняет дуэт `Tandaradey`: Манфред Хартл (вокал, органиструм), Михаэль Верено (ребек). 2016 год.

Holly Cluett (soprano), Jay Lambie (tenor), Bryan Martin (baritone, lute), Randall Rosenfeld (vielle, gittern, flute, recorder), Andrea Budgey (harp, recorder, soprano, durabukka) / Valley Recordings, Littleton-on-Severn, 1995

Benjamin Bagby (voice), Elizabeth Gaver (fiddle), Rainer Ullreich (fiddle) / Empore des Westwerks, St. Pantaleon, Köln, 1993

Regina Kabis (soprano), Jutta Haaf (harp), Murat Coskun (percussion), Albrecht Haaf (vielle, shawm, flute), Marc Lewon (tenor, speaker, quinterne, citole, harp), Bernd Maier (hurdy-gurdy, bagpipe) / 2009

Regina Kabis (soprano), Jutta Haaf (harp), Murat Coskun (percussion), Albrecht Haaf (vielle, shawm, flute), Marc Lewon (tenor, speaker, quinterne, citole, harp), Bernd Maier (hurdy-gurdy, bagpipe) / 2009

Записи 1961-62 г., Лондон.

Holly Cluett (soprano), Jay Lambie (tenor), Bryan Martin (baritone, lute), Randall Rosenfeld (vielle, gittern, flute, recorder), Andrea Budgey (harp, recorder, soprano, durabukka) / Valley Recordings, Littleton-on-Severn, 1995



Ансамбль `Талисман`: гитара и руководитель ансамбля - Олег Тимофеев, скрипка - Этьен Абелин, клавесин - Ирина Рииз, сопрано - Анна Харли. 2001 год.

Ансамбль «Орфарион»: Олег Худяков (флейта), Олег Бойко (гитара), Анатолий Гринденко (виола да гамба). 1996 год.

Санкт-Петербург, 1902 год.

Санкт-Петербург, 1908 год.

The Imperial Court Ensemble / 1961 (Columbia)

Ensemble Discantus: Christel Boiron (voice), Hélène de Carpignies (voice), Emmanuelle Gal (voice), Anne Guidet (voice), Kyung-Hee Han (voice), Lucie Jolivet (voice), Brigitte Le Baron (voice), Brigitte Lesne (voice, bells), Birute Liuoryte (voice), Anne Marteyn (voice), Catherine Schroeder (voice), Catherine Sergent (voice), Deya Marshall (bells) / Brigitte Lesne (dir.) / Paris, France, 2013

Ensemble Discantus: Christel Boiron (voice), Hélène de Carpignies (voice), Emmanuelle Gal (voice), Anne Guidet (voice), Kyung-Hee Han (voice), Lucie Jolivet (voice), Brigitte Le Baron (voice), Brigitte Lesne (voice, bells), Birute Liuoryte (voice), Anne Marteyn (voice), Catherine Schroeder (voice), Catherine Sergent (voice), Deya Marshall (bells) / Brigitte Lesne (dir.) / Paris, France, 2013

Ensemble Discantus: Christel Boiron (voice), Hélène de Carpignies (voice), Emmanuelle Gal (voice), Anne Guidet (voice), Kyung-Hee Han (voice), Lucie Jolivet (voice), Brigitte Le Baron (voice), Brigitte Lesne (voice, bells), Birute Liuoryte (voice), Anne Marteyn (voice), Catherine Schroeder (voice), Catherine Sergent (voice), Deya Marshall (bells) / Brigitte Lesne (dir.) / Paris, France, 2013

Ensemble Discantus: Christel Boiron (voice), Hélène de Carpignies (voice), Emmanuelle Gal (voice), Anne Guidet (voice), Kyung-Hee Han (voice), Lucie Jolivet (voice), Brigitte Le Baron (voice), Brigitte Lesne (voice, bells), Birute Liuoryte (voice), Anne Marteyn (voice), Catherine Schroeder (voice), Catherine Sergent (voice), Deya Marshall (bells) / Brigitte Lesne (dir.) / Paris, France, 2013

Ensemble Discantus: Christel Boiron (voice), Hélène de Carpignies (voice), Emmanuelle Gal (voice), Anne Guidet (voice), Kyung-Hee Han (voice), Lucie Jolivet (voice), Brigitte Le Baron (voice), Brigitte Lesne (voice, bells), Birute Liuoryte (voice), Anne Marteyn (voice), Catherine Schroeder (voice), Catherine Sergent (voice), Deya Marshall (bells) / Brigitte Lesne (dir.) / Paris, France, 2013

Ensemble Discantus: Christel Boiron (voice), Hélène de Carpignies (voice), Emmanuelle Gal (voice), Anne Guidet (voice), Kyung-Hee Han (voice), Lucie Jolivet (voice), Brigitte Le Baron (voice), Brigitte Lesne (voice, bells), Birute Liuoryte (voice), Anne Marteyn (voice), Catherine Schroeder (voice), Catherine Sergent (voice), Deya Marshall (bells) / Brigitte Lesne (dir.) / Paris, France, 2013

Ensemble Discantus: Christel Boiron (voice), Hélène de Carpignies (voice), Emmanuelle Gal (voice), Anne Guidet (voice), Kyung-Hee Han (voice), Lucie Jolivet (voice), Brigitte Le Baron (voice), Brigitte Lesne (voice, bells), Birute Liuoryte (voice), Anne Marteyn (voice), Catherine Schroeder (voice), Catherine Sergent (voice), Deya Marshall (bells) / Brigitte Lesne (dir.) / Paris, France, 2013

Ансамбль солистов Гос.оркестра СССР.

Концерт для ударных, клавишных и струнных. Ансамбль ударных инструментов Марка Пекарского; Московский Классический Оркестр, дирижёр - Юрий Николаевский.

Текст письма - Сергей Зайцев.
Юлий Хоменко, голос
Камерный оркестр `Амадеус`
Дирижер Александр Ведерников
Запись 1990 года

Московский Классический Оркестр, дирижёр - Ю.Николаевский.

Три фрагмента из музыки к фильму Рустама Хамдамова `Anna Karamazoff` (Россия-Франция,1991):
1.Кладбище; 2.Старуха; 3.Ветер. Дирижёры: Ю.Николаевский(1,2) и К.Кримец(3). Ансамбль ударных Марка Пекарского.

Художественный фильм / студия «Мосфильм» (СССР), «Victoria film» (Франция). Автор сценария и режиссёр Рустам Хамдамов. Звукооператор Виталий Морозов.

Ансамбль `Студия новой музыки`.

Наталья Борискова (народный голос). 20 января 2016 года, Концертный зал имени П. И. Чайковского.

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