`Вакх и Ариадна`, балетная сюита №2 (1930), op. 43 (Руссель)

Альбер Руссель (1869–1937)

`Вакх и Ариадна`, балетная сюита №2 (1930), op. 43

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1. Prélude. Ariadne`s sleep.
2. Ariadne`s Awakening. ... She looks around everywhere with astonishment. ... She stands, comes, toes, runs, looks for Theseus and his companions. ... She...Читать дальше
1. Prélude. Ariadne`s sleep.
2. Ariadne`s Awakening. ... She looks around everywhere with astonishment. ... She stands, comes, toes, runs, looks for Theseus and his companions. ... She realises that she has been abandoned. With difficulty she pulls herself up onto a rock.
3. She falls into the arms of Bacchus, who has appeared suddenly behind the summit. ... Bacchus resumes the dream dance with Ariadne, now awake.
4. Bacchus dances alone.
5. The kiss.
6. The Dionysian spell.
7. The Bacchic procession of revellers forms. ... A faun and a maenad offer Ariadne the golden cup into which they have squeezed the juice of grapes.
8. Dance of Ariadne.
9. Dance of Ariadne and Bacchus.
10. Bacchanal.
11. The coronation of Ariadne.

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Royal Scottish National Orchestra, Stéphane Denève (conductor) / Henry Wood Hall, Glasgow, UK, 2-4 May 2006

Paris 2016

Rec. 18.06.1955.

1 December 1964 - Chicago Symphony Orchestra

23 сентября 2017, Берлинская филармония

27 October 1952



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