,  (Ганзенейозер)
Стивен Ганзенейозер (дирижер)

1986, Братислава



























Увертюра из оперы `Хитрый крестьянин`.







Recorded at the Concert Hall of the Polish Radio in Katowice, September 3-6, 1992.

Recorded at the Concert Hall of the Slovak Philharmonic in Bratislava, May 22-27, 1989.

Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz. Released in USA, 2003.

Recorded at the Concert Hall of the Polish Radio in Katowice, September 3-6, 1992.

Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz. Released in USA, 2003.

Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz. Released in USA, 2003.

Recorded at the Concert Hall of the Slovak Philharmonic in Bratislava, May 22-27, 1989.
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