,  (Клайбер)
Карлос Клайбер (дирижер)

Oftokar - Bernd Weikl, Kuno - Siegfried Vogel, Agathe - Gundula Janowitz, Annchen - Edith Mathis, Kaspar - Theo Adam, Max - Peter Schreier, Ein Eremit (a hermit) -, Franz Crass, Kilian - Gunther Leib. Brautjungfern Renate Hoff, Brigitte Pfretzschner, Renate Krahmer, Ingeborg Springer. Запись 1973 года.
Кармен - Елена Образцова, Дон Хозе - Пласидо Доминго, Эскамильо - Юрий Мазурок, Микаэла - Изобел Буханан Венская опера, живая запись 1978 год
Eisenstein - Hermann Prey, Rosalinde - Julia Varady, Alfred - René Kollo, Blind - Ferry Gruber, Falke - Bernd Weikl, Adele - Lucia Popp, Orlofsky - Ivan Rebroff, Frank - Benno Kusche, Frosch - Franz Muxeneder, Ivan - Nikolai Lugowol, Ida - Evi List. 1976 г.
Recorded at Munich, Bürgerbräu-Keller, 5/1976 & 6/1977. Ensemble: Bavarian State Opera Chorus. Violette Valery - Ileana Cotrubas, Flora Bervoix - Stefania Malagu, Annina - Helena Jungwirth, Giorgio Germont - Sherrill Milnes, Alfredo Germont - Placido Domingo, Gastone, Visconte de Letorieres - Walter Gullino, Marchese d`Obigny - Alfredo Giacomotti, Dottore Grenvil - Giovanni Foiani, Guiseppe - Walter Gullino, Domestico di Flora - Paul Friess, Il Commissionario - Paul Winter.
Bavarian State Orchestra & Chorus, conductor - Carlos Kleiber. Marie - Wendy Fine, Wozzeck - Theo Adam, The Drum Major - Fritz Uhl, The Captain - Georg Paskuda, The Doctor - Jieth Engender, Margret - Gudrun Wewezow, Andres - Friedrich Lenz, The Fool - Walter Carnuth, First Artisan - Max Proebstl, Second Artison - Carl Hoppe, Maries Child - Narika Krauth. Live Recordings at Nationaltheater, Munich, 27 November 1970.
Берлинский филармонический оркестр, дирижёр - Карлос Клайбер. 28 June, 1994, live in Berlin.
Октябрь 1990 г. Princess von Werdenberg - F. Lott, Baron Ochs auf Lsrcheftau - Aage Haugland, Octavian - A. S. von Otter, Faninal - Gottfried Hornik, Sophie - B. Bonney, Marianne - Juliana Gondek, Valzacchi - Anthony Laciura, Annina - Sarah Walker, A Police officer - Jeffrey Wells, The princess major-domo - Nico Costel, Faninal’s major-domo - Michael Best, A Notaty - James Courtney, A Landlord - Joel Evans, An Italian singer - Stanford Olsen, An innkeeper - Charles Anthony.
6 May 1977, Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London. Elektra - Birgit Nilsson, Chrysothemis - Gwyneth Jones, Clytemnestra - Márta Szirmay, Aegisth - Charles Craig, Orest - Donald McIntyre, Ein junger Diener - Paul Crook, Der Pfleger des Orest - Michael Langdon, Die Aufseherin - Ludmilla (Milla) Andrew, 1. Magd - Anne Wilkens, 2. Magd - Elizabeth Bainbridge, 3. Magd - Teresa Cahill, 4. Magd - Jean Bailey, 5. Magd - Margaret Curphey.
Denise - Ditha Sommer, Fanchette - Eva Kasper, Catherine - Erika Wien, Guillot - Alfons Holte. Orchestra of the Rhine Opera House. 1963, Düsseldorf.
Концерт в Помпеях, 20 сентября 1987 г. Моцарт - Симфония №36, Брамс - Симфония №2.
